Who Are We?

Hello and welcome to the website of Toll Bar with Prescot United Reformed Church!

My name is Diane and I'm the Minister of the church. I've been Minister here since July 2015 and am enjoying getting to know the people and the area, as well as leading the church in developing its faith and mission.

I do this work for love, not money, and am also the Minister at our sister church, Newtown URC. In addition I have a part-time paid job, supporting people with disabilities. It is a great privilege to be doing work that is so worthwhile, and above all to follow God's calling in my life.

We are a small but very friendly church, with a desire to share the love of Jesus with our community. We have two congregations - the weekly Sunday morning one (fairly traditional) and the monthly Messy Church on a Sunday afternoon - so we can cater for a wide variety of people. Sometimes we all get together, which is fun! Additionally, we have a number of groups that meet on our premises during the week, and these cater for a wide variety of ages and interests.

We would love to see you at any of our services, Messy Church, groups or events, whether you are a church-goer or not. Do get in contact if you want to know more or if I can help you in any way.

God bless


Rev Diane Barrow

Email: tollbarwithprescot@gmail.com

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